Refund and Exchange Policy

Refund and Exchange Policy for Digital Products

At Powertech LLC, we’re committed to providing our customers with high-quality digital products such as software, codes & digital services. We understand the importance of transparency and trust in our transactions, which is why we have established clear refund and exchange policies. Please review the following information regarding refunds and exchanges for digital products purchased through our platform:

Customers are eligible for a refund within 6 business days from the date of purchase, provided that they have not accessed, downloaded, or activated the digital product.
To request a refund, customers must contact our customer support team phone number: 2135283545 and provide detailed information such as the order number, the reason for the refund request, and confirmation that the digital product has not been accessed, downloaded, or activated.
Refunds will only be issued for transactions where the digital product remains unused and in its original state.

Refunds will not be issued once the digital product has been accessed, downloaded, or activated by the customer. This policy is in place to prevent abuse of the refund system, as digital products can be easily copied or duplicated.
However, we understand that there may be extenuating circumstances where a refund is warranted despite product access. In such cases, we reserve the right to review refund requests on a case-by-case basis, considering factors such as technical issues preventing product usage or dissatisfaction due to product quality.

Process for Cancellation of Transactions by Cardholders:

If a cardholder wishes to cancel a transaction for a digital product, we follow a structured process to ensure fairness and transparency:

1, Initial Resolution:
Cardholders are encouraged to first attempt to resolve any issues or concerns directly with PowerTechLLC by contacting our customer support team.

2. Refund Eligibility Assessment:
If the digital product has not been accessed, downloaded, or activated, customers may be eligible for a refund as per our refund policy outlined above.

3. Refund Issuance:
Refunds will be processed promptly upon confirmation of eligibility, typically within [14-28 business days] of approval. The refund amount will be issued to the original payment method used for the transaction.

4. Chargeback Option:
If the digital product has been accessed, downloaded, or activated, refunds will not be issued. However, cardholders still have the option to contact their issuing bank to request a chargeback for the transaction. We cooperate fully with the chargeback process and provide any necessary documentation or evidence to support the resolution.

We believe that these comprehensive policies and procedures demonstrate our commitment to customer satisfaction while also addressing the unique challenges associated with digital product delivery. Should you have any further questions or require assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.